Miro Gavran
Directed by Rene Medvešek
Miro Gavran’s latest play follows the life of a Zagreb family over sixty years. Through scenes separated by a ten-year gap, we meet the parents of the protagonist Marijan, his grandparents, his sister, his half-brother, his friends, their children, colleagues, mistresses; we get to follow a whole spectrum of different male and female characters through their everyday life. The fact that all of them gather at Marijan’s birthday parties just heightens the complications of their mutual relationships, deceits and lies, that poison and slowly destroy love and trust. In such a cacophony of feelings and memories, Marijan manages to win out against adversity, ready to attempt a shot at happiness once again. Miro Gavran wrote this dramatic kaleidoscope of Zagreb life especially for the Croatian National Theatre.
An entertaining and highly enjoyable family chronicle. — Tportal
Rene Medvešek has managed to give a comic tone to every detail, with refined and precisely timed direction, enriched by the simple and highly functional stage design by Tanja Lacko, and particularly by Doris Kristić's costumes, giving each birthday anniversary its own dominant color, and denoting the epoch through their style, as was also done by the music of Matija Antolić. — Kazalište.hr
Zabavna i vrlo pitka obiteljska kronika.— Tportal
A komični ton (...) Rene Medvešek ostvario je u svakom detalju, dotjeranom režijom precizno odmjerenog ritma, obogaćenom i jednostavnom, vrlo funkcionalnom scenografijom Tanje Lacko, a posebice kostimima Doris Kristić koji su svakom rođendanu osmišljeno kreirali dominantnu boju, a krojem naznačavali i vrijeme radnje, kao što je to uspijevalo i glazbi Matije Antolića.— Kazalište.hr