Milan Begović ADVENTURER AT THE DOOR 95 min




Helena Petković


Sanja Ivić

Suradnik za scenski pokret

Damir Klemenić


Zdravka Ivandija Kirigin


Tea Bašić Erceg

Autor glazbe

Damir Šimunović

Oblikovateljica svjetla

Vesna Kolarec

Asistent redateljice

Patrik Sečen

Asistentica scenografkinje

Andrea Lipej

Asistentica kostimografkinje

Ana Trišler

Asistent scenografkinje (volonter)

Petar Novak

Ensemble of the performance



Agnezin muž

Gospodin sa šarenim prslukom

Kristina/ Jedna gospođa

Gospođa Rubricius

Profesor sa velikim naočalama / Dobro odgojeni mladić


Messenger boy/ Miki

Podvornik u Wagon– Litsu / Posljednji prijatelj

Režiser tragičnih filmova

Upravitelj tvrtke za nadgrobne spomenike/ Brutalni ljubavnik

Žirafa, Minotaur, Zec

Glumci iz ansambla predstave

Stage managers


Roko Grbin


Danijela Zobunđija



World opening night


The tragicomedy in nine scenes is one of the most popular drama works of the Croatian writer Milan Begović. A young, seriously ill girl in her search for ideal love made a deal with Death that manipulates her until the very end. This text plays with reality, illusion, and theatre within the theatre in a very modernist manner. The plot begins on a balcony of a villa with a park view where the ill Girl is sitting refusing to go into the room because she is waiting for someone.... An Adventurer appears at the door offering the fulfilment of her last wish. The Girl choses love. A series of phantasmagorical events occur in which delirium and reality intertwine - events through which, at first glance, we follow a simple story of a marriage in which cracks appear as well as a change in relations. Yet, this is all an illusion, because reality and visions mix, or the reality becomes a vision directed by the Adventurer who dominantly leads the Girl through a fictional experience, through a summary of a possible life that ironically, he calls a movie. So structured fragile love story of a young adulteress who is led into promiscuity because of her yearning for the ideal lover, becomes a parabola of human crucifixion between the ideals and nothingness, also opening psychoanalytical issues of reciprocity between Eros and Tanatos. In this work, Begović boldly entered the Pirandello-like playing around with reality, creating a provocative and imaginative text that leaves no-one indifferent. It will be staged by stage director Helena Petković.
