MBZ festival for BIG littleones

Croatian national theatre in Zagreb - Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu – Sound Studio                               

opera rosa*, for opera voice, two violins, small percussion and electronics
opera for babies (aged: 1–3)                                  

Ivana Đula, Selena Gazda, Tena Novak Vincek, Lucija Stanojević, Irma Unušić, the authors of the project concept
Tena Novak Vincek, music
Ivana Đula, dramaturgy
Selena Gazda, costume and set design
Irma Unušić, choreography

Ivana Lazar / Mima Karaula,  soprano
Lucija Stanojević, violin and other instruments
Tena Novak Vincek, violin and other instruments
Irma Unušić, dance performance

co-produced with HNK Zagreb
* première – 32nd MBZ-HDS and HNK Zagreb

The Opera for Babies has been envisioned as a shared interactive journey of the big little ones and the little big ones alike. It is set up as a live installation, in a pleasant, safe and soft space, and invites children to move freely and explore the world of music, sound and movement, created just for them.

Using the common three-part structure, it begins with the night, quiet, gentle and warm both musically and contentually, continues with the morning, the awakening and birth of light, and ends with the day, the celebration and play. We use babies' familiar everyday routine to help them discover a completely new world. Four female interpreters, each through her own medium (voice, movement, instrument) take us on a journey from dream to play, from dark to light, from abstract to concrete, from voice to word. With this approach, we want to help the big little ones discover the new, already familiar, world of art, while opening up that world to them as a space for play and interaction, a space for freedom and exploration with their every sense.

Let’s dive in...
