Lomeći valove je prvotno bio velik filmski uspjeh Larsa von Triera. Myriam Muller, redateljica koja je već režirala kazališnu adaptaciju scenarija Blind Date, željela je ponoviti iskustvo, tim više što je posrijedi priča o ljubavi, dobroti i žrtvovanju. Filmski scenarij star je 25 godina, što podrazumijeva da nekoliko generacija ne poznaje film Lomeći valove. Riječ je o djevojci koja boluje od teške i rijetke bolesti: od dobrote. Izoliran otok. Zatvorena zajednica, izrazito religiozna. Bess se udaje za Jana, starijega muškarca koji radi na naftnoj platformi. Njihov odnos je strastven. Poslije nesreće na platformi, Jan se više ne može kretati i ne može imati seksualne odnose. On ne želi da Bess ostane vezana uz paralizirana čovjeka, želi da nastavi živjeti, voljeti i biti sretna. Kako bi bio siguran da će se Bess ponovno zaljubiti, Jan traži od nje neka spava s drugim muškarcima i njemu prepričava detalje tih odnosa.
Uvjerena da Janovo zdravlje ovisi o Božjoj volji, Bess pristaje prostituirati se. Unatoč neprijateljstvu obitelji i vjerskome ludilu svojeg seoceta, nastavlja živjeti za svoju ljubav kojoj će žrtvovati i samu sebe. Žrtva kojom se suprotstavlja cijeloj zajednici okrunila je njezino oslobođenje, kao i čudesan Janov oporavak. Predstava oblikuje ljubavnu priču, strastvenu dramu koja se odvija u opreci s vjerskim dogmatizmom. Glavna pokretačka sila i filma i predstave je ono dobro u ljudima, što se ne primjećuje lako, ali to ne znači da to dobro ne postoji.


 Breaking the Waves was initially a blockbuster film by Lars von Trier. Myriam Muller, theatre director, who has already tasted the pleasure of theatrical adaptation with Blind Date, wanted to renew the experience, especially since this is the story about love, goodness and sacrifice. The film scenario is 25 years old, implying the fact that there are whole generations who haven't seen the film Breaking the Waves. This is a story about the girl suffering form a serious and rare illness: goodness. An isolated island. Claustrophobic
community, hyper religious. Bess marries Jan, an older man working on the oil platorm. Their relationship is a passionate one. After an accident on the platform, Jan can no longer move and can no longer have sexual reations. He does not want Bess to remain attached to the paralyzed man, so he is forcing her to continue with her life, love and happiness. To be sure of Bess' new love, Jan asks her to sleep with other men and to reveal to him all the details. Convinced that Jan's health depends on God's will, Bess prostitutes herself. Despite the hostility of her family and the religious madness of her small village, Bess continues to live for her love, happy to sacrifice her life for it. Bess' sacrifice
is opposed to the entire community making her deliverance complete, as well as Jan's miraculous recovery.
The production is telling a story about love, it is a passionate drama opposite to a religious dogmatism. The main driving force is a human goodness, which is not so easily noticed, but that doesn't mean that goodness does not exist.


from the film scenario by LARS VON TRIER, DAVID PIRIE and PETER ASMUSSEN

scenska adaptacija theatre adaptation VIVIAN NIELSEN

prijevod s engleskoga translation from English DOMINIQUE HOLLIER

redateljica director MYRIAM MULLER

scenograf i kostimograf set and costume designer CHRISTIAN KLEIN

oblikovatelj svjetla light designer RENAUD CEULEMANS

obikovatelj tona sound designer BERNARD VALLÉRY

oblikovatelj videa video EMERIC ADRIAN

kamerman camera man SVEN ULMERICH

asistenti režije director's assistants ANTOINE COLLA, SALLY MERRES

fotografije photographies BOHUMIL KOSTOHRYZ

produkcija production Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg

koprodukcija coproduction Théâtre de Liège (DC&J Création avec le soutien du Tax Shelter du Gouvernement fédéral de Belgique et de Inver Tax Shelter); La Comédie de Saint-Étienne, Centre dramatique national, Théâtre de Caen

osobe cast

starac old man Dr. Richardson MATHIEU BESNARD

ribar fisherman William LOUIS BONNET

starac / vođa kongregacije / čovjek u autobusu / čovjek u disco klubu old man / the leader of the congregation / a man in a bus / a man in a disco-club OLIVIER FOUBERT

starac old man Terry BRICE MONTAGNE






Lars von Trier je jedan od najambicioznijih i vizualno najsofisticiranijih filmskih autora suvremene filmske umjetnosti. Diplomirao je na Danskoj filmskoj školi, a pozornost javnosti i kritike privukao je već svojim prvim filmom Forbydelsens elemenenti/Elementi zločina iz 1984. godine. Njegove filmove karakterizira spoj film noira i njemačkoga ekspresionizma sa stilskim osobitostima Dreyera, Wellesa i Tarkovskoga. Visoko estetiziranom kombinacijom žuto osjenčene filmske vrpce kroz koju prodire plavo svjetlo i sudbinska atmosfera von Trier je stvorio nezaboravna vizualna iskustva. Film Lomeći valove dobitnik je nagrade žirija filmskoga festivala u Cannesu 1996. godine i pripada vjerojatno među najemotivnije filmove ikada snimljene. Sljedeći njegov veliki uspjeh bio je film Plešući u mraku, nagrađen Zlatnom plamom na filmskome festivalu u Cannesu 2000. godine. Uz filmove, autor je i tv serija, među kojima se ističu mini-serije Riget i Kingdom. Poslije 2000. snimio je filmove Dogville, Manderlay, Antikrist i Melankolija. Većina njegovih filmova snimljena je u Danskoj ili Švedskoj.

Lars von Trier is probably one of the most ambitious and visually most distinctive film makers in the modern film art. He graduated from the Danish Film School and attracted international attention with his first film Elements of Crime from 1984. A highly distinctive blend of film noir and German Expressionism with stylistic nods to T. Dreyer, A. Tarkovsky and O. Welles, its combination of yellow-tinted monochrome cinematography, pierced by the blue light and doom-haunted atmosphere made it an unforgettable visual
experience. His film Breaking the Waves has won the Jury prize of the Cannes film festival 1996. This film is perhaps one of the world's most emotional motion pictures. Another great success was a film Dancing in a Dark, rewarded with the Palme d'Or of the Cannes film festival 2000. He is also author of the tv series, the most famous are Riget and Kingdom. In the years after 2000 he made the films Dogville, Manderlay, Antichrist and Melancholia. Most of his films are made in Danemark or Sweden.


Myriam Muller je završila studij glume na luksemburškome konzervatoriju i odigrala brojne uloge na francuskom, njemačkom, luksemburškom i engleskom jeziku. Redateljsku karijeru započela je suradnjom s Julesom Wernerom te s njime režirala Koushnerovo djelo Anđeli u Americi 2008. godine. Djela Molièrea, Ionesca, Thea van Gogha,Čehova, Sare Kane, Shakespearea režirala je u raznim luksemburškim kazalištima. Umjetničkom ravnateljicom luksemburškog kazališta Centaure postala je 2015. godine, a na luksemburškom konzervatoriju predaje od 1998. godine. Osim u kazalištu, glumi i na filmu.

Myriam Muller has completed acting studies and has performed on numerous stages in French, German, Luxembourgish and English language. She began her directing career in collaboration with Jules Werner, with whom she directed Kushner's Angels in America in 2008. She has directed plays
by Molière, Ionesco, Theo Van Gogh, Chekhov, Sarah Kane, Shakespeare and many others. She has been the artistic director of the Centaure Luxembourg Theatre since 2015 and has been teaching at the Luxembourg Conservatory since 1998. In addition to theatre she also acts in films.

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