Miroslav Krleža - Leo Mujić The Glembays,

The Glembays,


Koreograf, redatelj, autor libreta i glazbenog izbora

Leo Mujić


Ludwig Van Beethoven, Sergej Rahmanjinov

Umjetnički savjetnik

Vlaho Bogišić

Dramaturški suradnik

Ivan Leo Lemo


Stefano Katunar


Manuela Paladin Šabanović

Oblikovatelj svjetla

Aleksandar Čavlek

Oblikovatelj zvuka

Svebor Zgurić

Baletna majstorica, asistentica koreografa

Suzana Bačić

Asistentica scenografa

Aleksandra Ana Buković

Asistentica kostimografkinje

Mia Rejc Prajninger

Ensemble of the performance

NACI (IGNJAT JACQUES) GLEMBAY, industrijalac i bankar

Guilherme Gameiro Alves / George Stanciu

CHARLOTTA BARUNICA CASTELLI-GLEMBAY, njegova druga legitimna supruga

Natalia Kosovac / Iva Vitić Gameiro

Dr. phil. LEONE GLEMBAY, sin Ignjata i prve supruge Irene Basilides-Danielli-Glembay

Takuya Sumitomo / Guilherme Gameiro Alves

SESTRA ANGELIKA GLEMBAY, dominikanka, rođena baronesa Beatrix Zygmuntowicz Gorjanski, supruga najstarijega sina Ivana Glembaya

Rieka Suzuki / Asuka Maruo / Saya Ikegami

Dr. iuris PUBA FABRICZY-GLEMBAY, advokat, pravni savjetnik firme Glembay Ltd.

Yuho Yoshioka / Drew Jackson

TITUS ANDRONICUS FABRICZY-GLEMBAY, Ignjatov rođak i Pubin otac, umirovljeni veliki župan

Dan Rus / Taiguara Goulart

Dr. med. PAUL ALTMANN, obiteljski liječnik

George Stanciu / Azamat Nabiullin

Dr. theol. et phil. ALOJZIJE SILBERBRANDT, informator baruničina sina i njezin ispovjednik

Balint Rauscher / Bart Engelen

VON BALLOCSANSZKY, ulanski Oberlieutenant, jedan od baruničinih ljubavnika

Simon Yoshida / Hyuma Gokan

OLIVER GLEMBAY, sin barunice Castelli i bankara Glembaya

Kornel Palinko / Mario Diligente

IVAN GLEMBAY, stariji sin Irene Basilides-Danielli i Ignjata Glembaya

Mario Diligente / Arnau Velazquez Rodriguez

FANIKA CANJEG, nevjenčana supruga sina stare ubogarke Rupert

Iva Vitić Gameiro / Mutsumi Matsuhisa/ Natalia Kosovac

IRENA BASILIDES-DANIELLI, prva supruga Ignjata Glembaya

Edina Pličanić / Atina Tanović

ALISA GLEMBAY, kći Irene Basilides-Danielli i Ignjata Glembaya

Miruna Miciu / Asuka Maruo / Dora Kovač

BARUN CASTELLI, prvi Charlottin suprug, konjovlasnik

George Stanciu / Taiguara Goulart


Petra Vargović Stanciu / Iva Vitić Gameiro / Natalia Kosovac

BARUN ZYGMUNTOWICZ, mladić u kojega je Alisa zaljubljena, jedan od baruničinih ljubavnika

Adam Harris / Hyuma Gokan

LOVAČKI OFICIR, baruničin ljubavnik, zbog kojega je barun Castelli skončao brak

Simon Yoshida

ALOJZ SKOMRAK, dnevničar u Karitativnom savezu kojim predsjeda barunica Castelli

Ovidiu Muscalu


Andrija Palada

FRANZ, kamerdiner

Andrej Barbanov

KATICA, baruničina sluškinja

Tihana Trupeljak Bujanić

ANITA, baruničina sobarica

Danijela Batur

LEONE, sin Leona i Angelike

Val Molnar


Valentina Štrok, Saya Ikegami, Ivančica Alajbeg, Dora Blaić, Daria Brdovnik Bukvić, Nika Kristina Crnić, Mutsumi Matsuhisa, Dunja Novković, Cristiana Rotolo, Lucija Radić, Atina Tanović, Helena Troha, Bart Engelen, Hyuma Gokan, Taiguara Goulart, Adam Harris, Ovidiu Muscalu, Arnau Velazquez Rodriguez / Dora Kovač, Anamarija Marković, Ozana Mirković, Lada Rora, Drew Jackson


Tatjana Andročec, Ilinca Barbu-Moga, Danijela Batur, Danijela Zobunđija


Siniša Bosnar, Filip Filipović / Ioan Dumitru Moga, Filip Filipović


Franz Ferdinand

Terezija Foringaš Meško

Angelika Bárbróczy

Franz Glembay

Patricija Ludviga

Ignac Glembay, mlinar



Ilinca Barbu -Moga


Glazbena voditeljica

Ljudmila Šumarova

Glazbeni korepetitor

Teo Visintin

World opening night


Miroslav Krleža – Leo Mujić

Neoclassical ballet about the destruction of one Agremerian Patrician family

Adaptation, choreography, direction and music selection by Leo Mujić
Music by Ludwig Van Beethoven, Sergei Rachmaninoff

Miroslav Krleža's most famous dramatic text, The Glembays, received its first ballet version in the previous season to the selected music by Ludwig van Beethoven and Sergei Rachmaninoff. But the story of this ballet starts earlier than the texts indicate, as the choreographer, director and libretto writer Leo Mujić looked to Miroslav Krleža's prose texts from the cycle about the Glembays to create it. Before events culminate at the celebration of the anniversary of the Glembay Bank, we get to know many details from the lives of the familiar characters, which lead to the total collapse of this rich patrician Zagreb family. The story starts rapidly progressing to its tragic ending following Leone's return to Zagreb after 11 years – he had decided not to take over the family business, and had instead turned to art. He cannot resist sarcastically narrating the family's history, which begins with a crime committed in 1790 and continues with illicit business and personal transactions, and theatrical means of degeneration. Immediately at its premiere at the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, the play was an instant success, becoming one of the most performed dramas of Croatian drama literature, and its ballet version has continued this tradition in the best possible way. The ballet adaptation of such a literary classic was not only a great challenge for the choreographer, his assistants, and the entire ensemble but also for those who are well-acquainted with this famous literary family.

I read The Glembays through emotions. I am interested in the relationships between the characters, their personalities, fetishes, value systems, the father-son conflict, the addiction to the mother and the obsession with the stepmother... This production conveys these elements spectacularly by translating one of the most significant Croatian dramas into ballet form. (Leo Mujić)

Mujić is undoubtedly a great master of group dance, continually creating new visual sensations with his dance combinations. Euphony of various formations makes use of every single note and is always perfectly efficient, whilst the ensemble feels this to the bone, dancing as if they all were in the leading role. — Jutarnji list

Glembajeve čitam kroz emocije, zanimaju me odnosi među likovima, karakteri, njihovi fetiši, sustav vrijednosti, sukob oca i sina, ovisnost o majci i opčinjenost maćehom… Upravo to balet sjajno prenosi… prevodeći u baletno djelo jednu od najznačajnijih hrvatskih drama. (Leo Mujić)— Večernji list
Mujić je nedvojbeno veliki majstor skupne plesne kombinatorike iz koje se neprestance stvaraju uvijek nove likovne senzacije. Muzikalnost najrazličitijih formacija koristi svaku notu, uvijek je u funkciji bez imalo praznog hoda, a to ansambl i te kako osjeća i pleše kao da je on u glavnoj ulozi.— Jutarnji list

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